Welcome to KninjaBot, version 1.0!
Thanks for choosing the KninjaBot IRC robot! KninjaBot is a highly modular and extensible robot, and can be custom configured to your liking.
First, there are some prerequisites to running KninjaBot:
- A computer. (Preferably one that's working)
- An internet connection. (This should be working as well)
- At least one IRC channel you can put this robot on.
- Python 2.3 or later.
Quick start directions for operating systems that use a bash shell (including, but not limited to: Mac OS X, most Linuxes, and Cygwin)
- Open a terminal emulator (Terminal.app, gnome-terminal, xterm, etc)
- 'cd' to the Kninja directory (ex. cd /home/user/kninja/)
- Run ./Config.sh and follow the directions.
- Now run ./kninja start
- ????
Quick (but slower) start direction for Windows operating systems
- Open 'cmd.exe' or, if you're running a decrepit OS like Windows 98, 'command.com'
- 'cd' to the Kninja directory (ex. cd C:\Documents and Settings\User\Kninja\
- Run 'python configure.py -a <server> -c <channels> -n <nick>'
- For more configuration options, run 'python configure.py'
- Run 'python configure.py -P add -u <user>:<password>:10'
- Run 'python kninja.py'
Congratulations! You have successfully set up KninjaBot... Only if you followed the directions. :). Enjoy!
Feel free to report bugs, comments, or feature requests to kman at: kman (at) kman.me.uk.
Thanks for choosing KninjaBot!